Ancient Mystic Wealth


“ 钱不是万能, 没钱却是万万不能 ” Money No Enough

Frugality Wisdom with  the right mindset will focus  Wealth as Thought and Not Things , as most meaningful manifestation of frugality is in the use of our time, our words, our thoughts and our actions.
Hongkong  Tycoon Mr Li once told his son: “My apple tastes different to yours. It tastes much better. 
That is because when I was a little boy, I passed by fruit stands, and I had no money to buy any fruit.” 
Frugality  Builds Definite Wealth
He  further elaborates ;
“Observing billionaires spending their money, we learn a lesson in living: 
Life can be designed . Careers can be planned .Happiness can be prepared . 
When you  are poor ,  try  spend less time at  home and more time outside . 
When you are rich ,stay  at home  more and less  out side . 
This  is the art of living with frugality . 
When  you are poor spend money on others . 
When you’re rich spend money on yourself.
When one is poor be good to others , When one is rich, one must learn to let others be good to you .
You have to learned to be good to yourself better.
When you are poor , you have to  throw yourself out in the open and  let people make good use of you 
When you are rich , you have to conserve yourself well and don’t  let people make use of you.
You do not need  to be afraid of being poor , you need to know how to invest in yourself and increase your wisdom  and stature . 
“ 钱不是万能, 没钱却是万万不能 ” Money No  Enough

“With Money ,people cannot necessarily materialize everything , however  without money many things  cannot be accomplished. ”
quote by  Hongkong  Chinese Tycoon . 

Youtube - Money Never Enough

